
January 2, 2019

Queen’s Plate as a Major

IF South African racing had four Major tournaments, like golf, the
June 12, 2018


“IT’s official,” writes Mike de Kock in his latest blog. “South Africa’s handicappers have confirmed what we all suspected. They are clueless!” He continues: There is great […]
April 20, 2018

“I’m disgusted!”

I want to relay my disgust today about the National Racing Authority (NHA)’s
April 3, 2018

Digging up the dirt

LAST week, an article entitled “Is it time to rip up the Dubai
September 1, 2017

Blog: All we want is fairness!

I haven’t written a blog in a while, but yesterday’s outcome of the
December 9, 2016

Let’s face the facts about night racing!

IN his latest blog, Mike de Kock argues that the time has come for authorities
November 21, 2014

To whom it may concern…

MIKE de Kock believes that the rivalry between two bloodstock giants
July 8, 2014

Take a Leaf from this book

IN his latest blog, Mike de Kock reflects on last Saturday’s 2014 Vodacom Durban
February 14, 2014

Who will take a stand for us?

I’M at Dubai International Airport about to fly back to South Africa after